Why the best candidates aren't found on job boards


In a world where digital innovation impacts every aspect of our lives, the field of talent acquisition is not left untouched. This article explores why the best candidates are often not found on online job boards and how social recruiting by Leads4Talent has emerged as a superior strategy in the recruitment landscape.

The limitations of job boards

Online job boards and job portals have one big problem: The qualified candidates often don't use them. These platforms typically attract active job seekers, which may not include the top talent who are already employed or receiving offers through other channels. The best talent rarely has to actively search for new opportunities.

Furthermore, these hiring platforms, once considered the essential tool in recruitment, are more and more showing their limitations. Their primary audience consists of individuals actively seeking employment, which can result in a pool of candidates who are less in demand in the job market. Additionally, the user experience on these platforms is often not user-friendly and feels outdated. The complicated processes, which typically require uploading a cover letter and CV, can be off-putting. As a result, many applications received are either unqualified or irrelevant, turning the search for the right talent into a daunting task, much like finding a needle in a haystack.

High competition on job boards

It’s a fact that job boards are a crowded marketplace, where the competition is fierce. With so many employers competing for the same pool of candidates, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. Your chances of attracting the perfect candidate are rather slim. If the number of similar offerings wasn't challenging enough, another difficulty lies in creating a unique and memorable presence on these platforms. 

Most job postings on these marketplaces look the same, typically following a standard format that includes the company name, job title, location, salary and a brief job description. This format makes it difficult for employers to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Job boards do not provide much opportunity for employers to build their employer brand, a critical factor in attracting top talent, as candidates want to know what it's like to work for a company before they apply. 

Finally, these places are also frequented by headhunters and recruitment agencies. This adds another layer of competition for employers, as these agencies often have larger budgets and resources to secure candidates, potentially overshadowing direct employer listings.

The power of social recruiting: Passive candidates

Posting jobs on platforms like Indeed and ZipRecruiter often overlooks a significant segment of the workforce: passive candidates. These are individuals who are not actively seeking new jobs but remain open to the right opportunities. Social media recruiting has established itself as a powerful tool in personnel acquisition, offering numerous advantages over traditional job boards. Its key strength lies in reaching these passive candidates – talented professionals who may not be actively looking for new opportunities but are open to compelling offers.

Unlike job boards and portals, where listings tend to blend together, social media allows companies to stand out and effectively showcase their unique employer brand. This approach not only captures the attention of passive candidates but also helps in building a connection with them. Additionally, social recruiting is free from the limitations of outdated application processes typical of job boards, such as lengthy procedures and extended response times.

Targeting the right audience with precision

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok have revolutionised recruitment by offering unprecedented reach and visibility. By promoting job ads and recruitment content on these social media, companies can connect with a much broader audience, including those who might not typically encounter job opportunities on traditional portals. This expansive reach is particularly crucial for tapping into passive candidates.

What sets social media recruiting apart is its capacity for direct and targeted communication. These platforms enable companies to engage specifically with their desired audience, utilising sophisticated algorithms and analytics to ensure that job ads are not just seen, but seen by the right people.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, we at Leads4Talent believe that the traditional reliance on job boards is no longer sufficient in today's dynamic talent landscape. Social recruiting has emerged as a powerful alternative, offering a more effective and engaging way to attract top talent. By leveraging the reach, targeting capabilities and cost-effectiveness of social media platforms, employers can successfully connect with passive candidates, build a strong employer brand and ultimately achieve their hiring goals. As social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, it is essential for employers to adapt their recruitment strategies and tap into this vast pool of potential talent.

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