Is social recruiting right for your business? Find out here


We have the capability and expertise to assist any company with our social recruiting services. But is it always the right choice for a company? The goal of a social recruiting campaign should not be just to generate applications. Rather, it is about achieving sustainable solutions and results. Success in this area depends strongly on whether certain basic requirements are met. After all, we don't just want to fill positions in the short term, but rather ensure that the employees hired stay with the company in the long term. In this blog post, we want to show you what prerequisites are needed for the sustainable and successful use of social recruiting and how we at Leads4Talent can assist you in this process.

Attractiveness and benefits as an employer

A key element of successful social recruiting is being an attractive employer, or at least having the willingness to become one. An attractive employer offers not only similar benefits to other companies but also stands out with differentiating benefits. Merely being present isn't sufficient – you need to actively distinguish yourself from competitors in your region. Often, it doesn’t require much. This could include a good salary package, flexible working hours, special employee programs or innovative office environments.

Continuously analysing and improving to be seen as a preferred employer is crucial. If you're not yet seen as an attractive employer, it's important to show a willingness to adapt and realign. A positive image is essential, as negative employer reviews on online platforms are difficult to correct in the short term. Remember, building and improving a company's image is an investment in the future.

Employer branding

If you are already an attractive employer but haven’t effectively communicated it externally, social recruiting is ideal for strengthening your employer branding. A strong employer brand is key to competing for talent. It's not just about what you offer, but how you communicate it. Social recruiting provides the platform to highlight your company culture, work environment and employee experiences. We help you showcase your company as a desirable workplace through targeted campaigns and storytelling. This builds an emotional connection with potential applicants and increases the likelihood of them applying to your company.

The necessity of social media channels

Social media channels are essential for successful social recruiting. These channels serve not only as a platform for job ads but also to present your company culture. A Facebook page is a basic requirement, other channels such as Instagram or TikTok can be added as needed. The more active you are on these pages, the better. But to get started with social recruiting, simply having a public page with up-to-date and well-maintained company information is sufficient. Don’t worry if you don’t yet have a presence on social media – we will help you set it up.

Employee search and hiring

Social recruiting is a cost-effective way to find qualified candidates. This is especially true for companies that plan or make at least three hires per year. The larger your hiring needs, the more you benefit from social recruiting. For example, if you need to fill multiple positions in similar areas, we can use the same campaign to reach multiple candidates. This maximises the efficiency of the recruitment efforts and lowers your overall costs. Especially in industries with high turnover or in rapidly growing companies, social recruiting can play an even more important role.

Photos and videos for campaigns

Good and especially authentic photos or videos of your company and employees are vital for the success of our campaigns. We prefer real footage over generic stock photos. While the photos don't need to be ultra-professional, authenticity is important. If you already have suitable materials, we are experts in deploying them optimally. If you don't yet have suitable media, we'll be happy to help. This is an investment that pays off not only in your recruitment efforts, but also in your overall marketing.

Budget and costs

Be prepared to allocate an appropriate budget for social recruiting. That being said, we work with you to develop a strategy that is both high-performing and cost-efficient. Investing in social recruiting can be significantly more economical than traditional recruitment methods, especially when considering the long-term benefits such as improved employer branding and access to a larger talent pool.

The courage to try new ways

Many companies and executives are not familiar with social recruiting and often react skeptically to it at first. It requires willingness and courage to try out new methods, question existing paradigms and be open to innovative approaches. Our experience shows that companies that initially had doubts are always positively surprised by the results. We guarantee success if we decide to work with you.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, social recruiting is much more than just a modern recruitment method. It’s a strategic approach to sustainably attract the right talents. However, it requires a certain openness and willingness to try new paths. Meeting certain basic requirements – from being an attractive employer to active presence on social media – is crucial for success. At Leads4Talent, we understand the nuances and challenges of social recruiting. With our expertise at your side, you can be confident that your investment in social recruiting will pay off.

Ready to take the next step?
Schedule a free consultation call and discover how we can revolutionise your talent acquisition. In under 15 minutes, you will learn how our tailored lead funnels and social media job ads can bring you more and better applicants. Click here to book your free consultation, and we'll call you back within 24 hours. Hire smarter with social recruiting!